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Friday, June 15, 2018

I am Poems

I am 
I am from Kennedys and Johnsons
From MLPs and Barbie’s
From finger paints and dolls
I am from ice cream and treats
From love and favorite grandpas
I am from heartbreak and pain
From friends and Family
I am from the comfort of home
From one cat with a pink nose
I am from endless cookies
From crazy friends, with strange drama that won’t end
I am from road rage
From insane days
From insomniac nights and getting paid
I am from soccer balls
And from crowded halls
My ancestry runs deep

 I won’t be the one to let it leak. -By Maddie

I am poem by Ragavan

I am from the Stamford Bridge
My Nike Mercurial and Premier League
The turf and grass
Eden Hazard is where I am from
I am from staying up late in the night
Let us watch TV
From my sister
Annoying and bothering me
I am from playing outside at sunset
Soccer and Baseball
The top-pot donuts and Krispy Kreme
My mom’s muffins is where I’m from
I am from the library
From my dad’s apron
My sister’s doll
I am from Issaquah

I am from
By Faith

I am from hair flips and hand-me-downs
From tantrums and fights
I am from numbers and math
From school and long nights

From board games and cards
I am from cruise boats and planes
From hotel beds, and long car rides
And driving down street lanes

I’m from birthday parties and Christmas
From, “Get in the car!” and “Go to sleep!”
I am from slammed doors and curse words

And family members we couldn’t keep….

Where I’m from Poem
by Dane

I’m from running, playing, hanging with friends.
I’m from learning, teaching, mistakes and forgiving.
My life is dance, sports, and having fun.
The taste of Pizza, Waffles, and BBQ, are my childhood foods. 

I Am From Poem  

     I am from biking
I am from roblox
I am from Bee swarm simulator
I am from football
I am from candy
I am from watching t.v.
I am from family
I am from basketball

    By Krish


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Winnebago Mythical Endings

A Winnebago Story By Domfo

Wait Little Hare please don’t hurt me said ant I promise I won’t hurt anyone any more. ‘’Really’’ Little Hare said . Maybe I will set you free. So he did. Little Hare ran off and set the tree back . The flying ant wondered why the Little Hare was so gullible then ran off to search for him . When the flying ant found him he threw the tree at him but missed. Little Hare sprinted to grandmother. He soon left and when he saw flying and turned him tiny. That is why ants are small .

Little Harriett

by Maddie

     The little hare chews tobacco to gain spiritual powers. The hare grows to the size of the ant. He goes to fight the ant with a giant lipstick, that is when he realizes, he is trans. Hare kills the ant and goes home to spill the news. “Grandma, I’m trans…” Grandma is shocked; Little Hare is kicked out of his house. SHE legally changes her name to Little Harriett. She gets famous off of being a drag king. Harriett makes a viral vid of her singing Tay Tay (Taylor Swift) while doing a dramatic smoky eye. Then she decides she needs to make a living. Harriett goes to Highline College to be the first trans nurse’s assistant. She also does beautiful makeup looks on YouTube, and her inspiration is James Charles    

Little Hare



          Little hare goes to flying ant again. Flying ant asks little hare “how are you here, I thought I killed you”. Little hare answered, “You will have to do more than that to kill me”. Enraged flying ant grabbed his club and squashed little hare again. When little hares grandmother realized that little hare was not home, she thought ‘I will go in the morning to flying ant. In the morning, little hares grandmother went to flying ant; flying ant said if you are looking for your grandson, he was pestering me so I killed him again. Little hare’s grandmother asked,  “Where did you leave him?” Flying ant says I just left him where I hit him.  Do you know where that is little hares grandmother asked? Yeah he is right around that bend flying ant said. When little hares grandmother revived little hare she asked what were you thinking. Little hare told her his plan. The next morning little hare went out to meet flying ant. Flying ant. Flying ant said if you do not say anything to me, I would not kill you. Little hares was come and get me flying ant did chase little hare ran into a hole in the side of a cliff. Going too fast flying ant smashed into the side of the cliff. Flying ant was going so fast that a boulder fell and smashed flying ant.

My Winnebago Story

By Faith

  After Little Hare ate and ate and was ready to go back and fight, he pulled a tree out of the ground and promised to put it back after. Once he got there and saw Flying Ant, he noticed this was not the right thing to do and decided just to try talking to him. That would save the animals and the earth. Flying Ant agreed with Little Hare and everything was all better. And they all lived happily ever after!

Personal Narratives 1


It was a Wednesday and so I got out of school early and so I was so happy and calm .Until I got home I was just relaxing in my cozy bed it was really  cold and I did not want to move I was watching tv. But then I had to move because my mom made me all she wanted was a stool from my closet  so I gave it to her but then I found GLUE all over my carpet I was freaking out . It was like a big puddle and I tried to clean it but it would not budge and it just made a even bigger mess like food all messy but it was GLUE. My sister was a t school we went to go get my sister.

        We came home my sister she was calm I was worried my heart was beating like if it was running tons and tons of miles I was getting my sister so scared I showed her and she was like ‘’OMG you did this’’ I’m like no’’. We got in a fight but I’m like ‘’let’s be quiet  or else mom is going to hear us’’  ‘’ok let’s stop’’. We both stoped and got to work it made a even bigger mess . My mom was going to enter the room but I distracted her same with my little brother he was helping me get my mom out of the room it was really easy because my brother says  random thing like can I want a toy even when we are not at the store and takes my mom to the living room turns the tv on and get’s the blanket from my mom’s room covers her .

         Then he came to my room and said it was all clear and I’m like thanks I’m lucky for having you as a brother  I don’t  always say that I said that because it was a emergency  but than he left .I was thankful because I needed that time to clean the mess up so I used the time very wisely my mom was doing dinner so she was very distracted then my dad came home from work we kept it a secret because he was the one who bought the gallon of glue he wasted Idk how much money.

          So the next day my mom found out I got in a bit of trouble one for not telling her  and next it was a waste of money and got the glue taken away and had to was the carpet floor .

“That was pretty tragic…” -Alynah

My Trip to Japan
By Adeline

            My favorite city we went to was Okinawa because of getting to be in the sun a lot and going to the beach almost every day. I also liked trying food that is unique to the island. Tofu, chumpuru, and Okinawa soba are two of those dishes
            My favorite activity that we did was doing the nature obstacle course. I liked doing it because I got to test my body’s strengths and weaknesses. I also got to get better at an obstacle I was scared of doing.
            My three favorite foods I ate in japan are Okinawa soba, gyoza, and tankatsu. The noodles in Okinawa soba are great because they are chewy and doughy. Gyoza are delicious because they are gingery, meaty, wrapped in dough. Tonkatsu is breaded pork that goes great with cabbage salad. Yum!
            Japan was stressful at times, like when we didn’t know where we were going. Or when we were on a crowded train. But it always worked out in the end!

            I’m glad I went to japan because I got to learn more about the culture, eat delicious food, and spent quality time with my family.

       The toilet flusher   

By Skylar

One day in 3rid grade on my birthday I went to greatwolf loge with Liv and Maddie. It was really fun because of all of the water slides there. In my opinion I think that the toilet flusher was the best. I loved the toilet flusher the best because it’s a nice relaxing waterslide then it gets dark and then you drop in a tube the slip and slide around. In the waterslide, there is yellow and red strips, and I cannot explain the smell, its very echoe. When we were all in the slide, it was so fun. We were all screaming we had so much fun. Once the slide was done, all of us agreed that we were tired so we all went to are hotel room. Are hotel room looked like a regular hotel but with a kid section. There was a privet log cabin for us. There was bunks 4 bunks. I slept on the top and Liv and Maddie were sleeping at the bottom. Therefore, we were all talking and my mom had wine and she spilt it all over me and my stuff animal named Froyo. Well then Liv and Maddie left, this trip was so fun, and it was the best. After Liv and Maddie left my mom and I went on a zip line it was scary you had to have tennis shoes sadly, I only had flip-flops. At the time, I played soccer so I always had cleats with me. Therefore, I used my cleats it was super hard because you know how cleats have spicks at the bottom of the shoes well it was so hard walking on the rope because the shoes kept being stuck. The zip line was also an optical coerce. Well great wolf lodge was one of the best expires ever I will never forget it. 

Missionaries Banquet
By Adeline

 On the day of the banquet, I was ready. I had on a nice outfit, and a nice smile. I had been chosen to be a flag bearer for my church’s Missionaries Banquet. I had been excited, but now I was way nervous to be walking into the chapel full of hundreds of people. Once I got to the open doors, I picked up my big, American flag with the long, silver handle. I got to the front of the line, because I was first. The slow music signaled that is was time to walk into the chapel. As I stepped, a sense of familiarity filled my heart.  Big, high ceilings, comfortable, plushy seats, and the big cross on the wall. I’ll always feel at home there. As I walked the missionaries of the U.S. followed me. Then the other flags followed me. It was truly a magical moment.   


By Kamal

A memorial time is when my dad and I went to a soccer field and my dad tough me that to be the best player of all time to always have control the ball. It also means that keep the ball in your feet. In addition, the defender will never get the ball for example when my dad tried to get the ball from me he failed every time. He also taught me to keep my knee closer to the ground. Why should you keep your knee closer to the ground? You should keep them closer to the ground because you can change your direction easier. For example you can dribble past defenders easier. Another reason you should keep them closer to the ground is you have more balance for example, when some player tries to tackle you have more balance than the he or she has . Another thing my dad tough me is to not have big touches on the ball. The ball should always be close to you or the defender will get the ball from you. That was a memorial time for me because I became a soccer player.       

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Diamante Poem


Green, big
Moving, quaking, creates
People, trees, mountains, water
Cracking, shifting, breaking,
Hard, cold



Calm, Noisy
Cooking, Stepping, Flopping
Pillows, Siblings, Pots, Parents
Talking, Screaming, Falling
Quiet, Crazy


                                    Sunny , Hot
                       Swim , run , jump
                    Pool , beach ,watermelon , water
                              Trips , bumps , falls
                                    Warm , humid
                        - Nelly



by Brody
Tall trees rustling
Endlessly touching the sky
Great for climbing up.

Nice, ragavan

I like it…-skylar

Nice job Brody
From Connor

Hi-Chews are tasty,
They are my favorite candy,
They are so juicy

Mom says go outside,
I take a walk in the woods,
Nature is beauty.

Cheetahs are so fast,
They are the best animal,
Really they are cool

Vanilla ice cream,
So refreshing in summer,
The endless great taste.

This is very… creative. –Alynah
“Very interesting, creative, and good.”-Faith
“very good writing” –Liam
Very interesting… -Adeline
Umm…I really have no words to describe this… it is good though-maddie

“Lets gooooooo dane! Also very creative…”-raggs
                                                                          This is good…-Skylar

Haiku By: Olivia Adams
1. The flip of a page
And some fascinated eyes
Is reading a book

2.  Snap of your fingers
As sass slips out of your lips
Finished with a hair flip

3.  Thoughts come from your brain
Then transformed into lyrics
Then a song is made

4.  Put a brush through hair
Then you split it into three
Braid it to the end

                                            5.  Russel in a bush        
A small patter in a tree
The sounds of nature

Dear liv this is really good this has to be in the magazine right now

Liv-This haiku does really sound like you…-ragavan
“Liv, this is you in a haiku.”-Faith


           Once alive, a living thing
           to now you would call it
                 a dark shadow.
                        -Paige McCovey

“Good job…” ragavan said.
Very deep I like it - skylar
That is so good that I’m goanna die!  (The death)

-        Lucia
This is really goodJ- DomfoJ
This is good c: -Alynah .p.

By Skylar
   Waves of blue and white
  Fish of colors
      The sand in between my toes  
                                     Amazing sounds rest in the beach


                                                Life is like a train,
                        Keep going forward and moving really enjoying,

                                        But one day we get down.

                                                                                  - Lucia Zhang 

 This is so good this has to be in the magazine I will die if this is not in this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“This is really good! I love this, keep up the good work.” J -Alynah

Haiku Writing
by Dane

The wolf growls loudly,
He is about to eat me,

Those are my last words.

The stars in the sky
Are so brilliant and bright
In the dark of night

Cinquain Poem

Skinny, wooden
Gliding, skimming, sliding
Eraser, led, chalky, smoothly



Poetic, things
Writing, creating, ink
Frustrating, fun, exciting, hard

Hard fun
Losing, dying, winning
Apples and mushrooms

5 W's Poem

5 w’s poem- Krish
My weird gaming brother
Wins it slowly
In the bedroom
To play his games

Domfo by Maddie
Coolly slays in soccer
Runs with power
These sunny days
On heated grass
To get energy out

“This is beautiful poetry, Maddie”-Faith

How a Character is Like Me

             How a character is like me.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I believe I am like Usagi   because both Usagi and I are smart. And we both know how to fight. Usagi and I both have to face with rough times with my friends.  And finally, both Usagi  and I at some points don’t have pocket money. And this is why I believe Usagi and I are alike.

by Krish

How a Character is Like Me
     The character I’m most like is Linda. I think this because she doesn’t take things for granted. She will never leave her family behind, just like when she wouldn’t go without her little sister, Poppy, when she and Doon were leaving Ember. She also wouldn’t leave her grandmas side when she was sick. Also Linda is very caring. She always wants to do the right thing to care for people. I have been told that I am also very caring and wants to do the right thing.

by Maddie

How a Character is Like Me

          Usagi: I think that usagi’s character traits are that he is invested in helping people and is kind of a lone ranger like person. Examples of this are: “We can’t stand by as these Samara march to their death! We’ve got to warn them. Why? What have they to do with me? I am an outcast I am an  outcast of the Neko ninja, clan. Still, I will not interfere in their affairs; I cannot understand your desire to get involved”. One other one of Usagi’s traits is that he is always weary of things. This is supported by the text and illustrations in the book.

          Gen: Gen’s character traits I think are that he is head strong and is head strong and is mostly only concerned with himself  

by Liam 

Multiple Perspectives

  BEAR ATTACK 2.0          by: Brody
I was deep in the forest when a big brown “dog” came out of the trees. I wanted to pet the “dog”, so I did the dog snarled and bit me! I very calmly walked away. Later, I called animal control on the bear.
Luke (Viktor’s friend):
Viktor and I decided to go hiking in the woods. So, we did. But we ran into trouble. When we were deep in the woods, when a bear came out! Viktor (of course) tried to pet it (L). I said no but, he didn’t listen and he got bit. Then, he kicked the bear in the face. He ran away bawling in tears.
I was strolling through the woods and thought I heard two deer, so I went to eat them. But, I only found two loud, annoying pests. The smaller pest tried to smack me on the head! So I used self-defense and bit him. He yelled and kicked me in the face. Later that day I got stunned in my face.

                Multi perspective writing      
Kid: One day it was snowing there was a big pile of snow outside. I went down the stairs I grabbed a gallon of soda then ran outside to the pile of snow I made a snowball and poured the soda on it. I took a bite out of it and it tasted bad so I spit it out. I threw the rest and I went inside. 

Snow: It was a regular day but then a kid came and picked me up then poured soda on me then took a bite out of me.  It did not hurt but then he spit me out and then threw me at a gate.

Gate: it was snowy when the incident happened. Somebody came out of the building and threw something at me, it was a weird day.

Multi-perspective stories by Reegan
Dog: “Yay!” I get to play in mud!
Bunny: “Why is my cage outside?”
Human: “Please power. Do not go out. I need to take a selfie on Instagram!”
A break in
Dog: Bark! “Hey. This is not your house and don’t take our TV.”
Bunny: “Let me out, please. I want to eat grass.”
Human: “What! My house is being robbed. Sorry, I got to go get my TV!”
Dog: “Yay! Please drop your piece of steak!”
Bunny: “Why can’t I be a dog?”
Human: “Shoo! Shoo! This is my dinner, not yours. Fine, just a little bit. Not the whole steak!”
Vet time
Dog: “No, no, no! They poke and stab!”
Bunny: “What is the vet? Do they give you treats?”
Human: “You better not run from me!”
Dog: “Aww, man! I want to play!”
Bunny: “Yes! The dog will stop attacking me!”
Human: “Yay! Time to watch Netflix.”
Dog: “Yay! I get a snow cone!”
Bunny: “Yay! Now I can hide from that dog.”
Human: “Great. Now I have to shovel the driveway.”
New pet
Dog: “Yay! A new friend.”
Bunny: “Gross. A snake. She knows it can eat me right in one gulp.”

Human: “I know it! It’s a snake.”


Mystery Book Writing
By ragavan

The two books I read were Sherlock Holmes and When You Reach Me. In my opinion, I think Rebecca Stead, the author of When You Reach Me, created interesting characters because, when Miranda receives the letters, the author created a good suspense for the reader and she revealed it at the right time, the end of the book. Then, I also started to wonder if the character who sends the letters is someone we already know in the story or a new character that is going to be introduced. And the way she described the Laughing Man. Just plain incredible. In my opinion, Rebecca Stead created a better mystery because, she gave a false lead. She made Miranda think it was a different character. And at the end of p.99, she made a splendid cliffhanger.

Mystery Final Writing by abby

                The two books I read were from The Mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankenweiler by E.L. Kongingsburg and Wolf Stalker by Gloria Skurziyski and Alane Ferguson. In my opinion I think that E.L. Kongingsburg did a better job at creating and describing interesting characters, because in the beginning of The Mixed up Files, the author indirectly shows you that Claudia, the protagonist, is very elegant, loves art, and loves to be comfortable. The scene supporting these character traits is on p.5, were Claudia says “To a large place, to a comfortable place, an indoor place and preferably a beautiful place.” But in Wolf Stalker as it clearly states “they are just an average family.”

                I also think that E.L. Kongingsburg did a better job at describing things in the book. For example (on p.36 and 38), it says, “The bed had a tall canopy supported by an ornately carved head board at one end and by two gigantic posts at the end.” For me it is very easy to visualize what the bed looks like, and is very well described.

Mystery Final by Maddie

     The first book I read was Sherlock Holmes and the Irregulars, by Tracy Mack and Michael Citrin. The second book I read was The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankenwiler, by E.L. Koningsburg.
     I think E.L. Koninsburg did a better job at describing things. For example, in the story it says, “All the walls are black marble except for one that is mirrored entirely. The faucets are gold, and the spigot is shaped like dragons head. The tub looks like a black swimming pool sunken into the floor; there are two steps down to the bottom.”
     But I do believe Tracy Mack and Michael Citrin did a better job at creating interesting characters. For example, the story says, “Ozzie looked at his friends, grinning happily, his hazel eyes shining like the coins in the bowler.” They clearly stated his peppy personality and his appearance.
     In my opinion, I really can’t choose which one is a better novel. The Mixed Up Files is really interesting but, the mystery is so suddenly solved, and has very little suspense. On the other hand, Sherlock Holmes has a lot of action and suspense. When it comes to the overall story I think Sherlock Holmes is the winner.

                    LONDON EYE           BY: BRODY
The book I read twice was the London Eye by Siobhan Dowd. I thought the description was amazing! For example, the book said “The sky was blue, the river was gray, and the London Eye is white. The London Eye a good puzzling, suspenseful, and unique writing. One false lead was when Ted thought Salim was kidnapped. A cliffhanger was when the boy on the train was Marcus not Salim. Ted was my favorite character because he had a couple of theories that he wanted to test out. He also solved the London Eye mystery. I think that the author put good qualities. For example, Ted has unique thoughts, good ideas, and is a good mystery solver. Salim is a young mischievous troublemaker, has a good heart, and likes his friend.